tidyverse 😄

Tidyverse workshops

As scientists we deal with experiments to test our hypotheses. These experiments more often are filling our computers and minds with data. Data can give us answers to our hypotheses, but most of the time we come up with more questions. Here is when, we, as scientists start to realize we are much in need of data analysis skills. The scholar pathway of life scientists is sliding towards data science, by default.

If you are from a biological science background (or other than engineering) and you are being confronted with the need of computational literacy, you are not the only one. A good read and advice is here: Ten simple rules for biologists learning to program. This text also applies to other non-biology fields of research.

Why do I give training in data skills?

I am currently part of the Training Platform of Elixir-Europe / Elixir-Belgium as data science and bioinformatics trainer. My career interests include training, R, data analysis, and statistics. My goal as trainer is to help people make data and information FAIR. As a carpentry instructor and trainer I see the need of supporting data skill needs and leading best practices to work with and manage data. Hence, that is why I do this job. As an R enthusiast and open-access advocate I promote R, its community and its resources. R is a tool, as there are many others. The goal of my trainings is not to learn/teach a tool, the goal should be to discover possibilities.

By experience, I had discovered the multiple possibilities given by the programming language R, its interface Rstudio and many of its packages for specific analyses. Tidyverse is a powerful resource, that is gaining a lot of popularity because of its usefulness and because it is an open door for data science. All of the packages in the tidyverse share a philosophy and interact well with each other. The best way to start learning the tidyverse is by using it. I am offering workshops at different levels, and I am happy to have a chat if you have questions or request of workshops. Co-organising workshops with Elixir Belgium is also of my interest. So, contact me.


Handle your data the tidy way: an introduction to data science using R and some of the packages

Tidyverse packages are intended to make data analysis tasks more efficient. It gives a clear and readable structure to your analysis, resulting in reproducible work products.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • The difference between tidy and untidy data
  • How to create tidy datasets and manipulate them using the main tidyr and dplyr verbs
  • Make your results reproducible by using Rstudio
  • Integrate data visualization into your workflow using ggplot2
  • Use tidyverse functions to research biological problems

LEVEL: A basic knowledge of the R programming language is expected.

These are hands-on sessions. Atteendees are required to bring their own laptops with the latest versions of R, RStudio and tidyverse installed, instructions will be given to participants.


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Would you like to be involved in future workshops?

Please contact me